Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Grace Series

When I was 13, I was as tall as I am now, 5'8". In growing so tall so early, it often seemed that my brain didn't know how long my legs were...I often got called "Grace" beause of my lack of it. I found that label a bit uncomplimentary in those days. But today, if someone referred to me as "Grace", it would take on a whole new connotation for me...I would consider it a compliment because today, grace is something to be desired, according to my definition.

So what might "The Grace Series" speak to a wearer of the Gems by George jewelry with a predominately silver tone? Well, first let me define what "grace" means. The dictionary defines grace as: elegance, beauty of form, manner or motion; a pleasing or attrative quality; favor or good will or a manifestation of favor, especially by a superior. However, when speaking from a
"God perspective" grace is commonly known as "God's riches at Christ's expense" or "unmerited favor". That would certainly agree with the dictionary's definition of "a manifestation of favor, especially by a superior".

I have six wonderful, beautiful healthy grandchildren whom I adore. I was privileged to get to attend most of their births...some of the most awe inspiring moments of my life, witnessing the miracle of new life. The reality of the moment, however, is that those precious little ones come out looking like red raisins, with odd shaped heads, covered in white goo, and howling like a coyote. Yet, their parents behave as though they have just been handed the Publishers Clearing House award for a million dollars. That is unmerited favor. That new little person hasn't done one thing to earn the love, the adoration or affection that their parents immediately heap upon it.

The "color" silver speaks of redemption and refining, and of speech that is full of light. Some interesting facts about refined silver is that it is the shiniest of all metals, reflecting 95% of the light that strikes it. Redemption is all about being bought back, paid for or recovered. When God looks at us, who and what we really are when nobody is looking, amazingly He loves us, yearns to be in a relationship with us. Through Jesus' selfless act of giving His life to pay for our brokenness, God has already paid our bill. You can belong to the family of the God of the Universe and have an intimate relationship with Him (ponder that for a moment) if you want it. The transaction is already complete, you just need to "cash it in" by trusting in what Jesus has done for your and following His lead.

In the process of refining silver, the raw ore is put in a smelter and the heat is turned up a little at a time, the refiner watching closely, and removing the impurities as they rise to the surface. With each increase of heat, more impurities are released and removed, all the while the refiner attentively watches lest the pure silver be damaged by the heat. When the silver is pure, the refiner can look into the vat of silver and see His reflection.

First, just as raw silver, we are redeemed just as we are, then we are refined in the smelter of life until the impurities are removed and we reflect Him in our actions, our thoughts and our speech. During the whole process, we are loved, watched over, guarded and protected. That is unmerited favor...that is Grace. When you wear your Gems by George silver pieces, may the grace, the unmerited favor of God, be lavished upon you, just like a new parent lavishes it on their newborn infant. You haven't earned it...but it doesn't are definitely SO loved.

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