Tuesday, November 13, 2012

So Excited

I feel like I've had a transfusion or a breath of fresh air...something invigorating.  Over the past 18 months, I admit, I've been in the doldrums with Gems by George...all beginning when my right hand girl moved all the way to Australia to serve with her hubby at YWAM Australia.  You know that saying about how you don't know what you have until you lose it.  Well, couldn't be truer in this situation.

Not being terrifically computer savvy, I thought I could just muddle through and keep going, but every time I put my hands on all the things that Jan had done for Gems by George, I just made a mess of things, bigger and bigger messes.  So, slowly, I just played at making jewelry and allowed myself to stay stuck.  Often I would pray and ask the Lord to show me if I was to continue or not, but never felt directed to quit, yet often felt befuddled on how to go forward as well.

Late this past summer a friend came to live nearby and offered her expertise to help me get things back in order, computer wise that is.  Oh heavenly days...well, she has been working her magic on my website and my inventory and on and on and, with her amazing help,  my creative engine is revving again.  We are in order...my master inventory is functioning, and the grand re-entrance into business has started...both with a facebook page that will allow new people to see a bit of my work...And with this year's holiday trunk sale with my newly organized group of amazingly creative friends..."Designing Women".  Our debut will be on November 24 on Main Street in Battle Ground.

So, I'm excited and looking forward...not only to new business but also to new ways to love on the women of our community, to come along side them, assisting them to see how truly lovely they are and also to open doors allowing us all to experience God's sweet loving touch in our lives. In a very small way I begin with the jewelry created in my workroom as a touchpoint of His love.  Excited and grateful!!!

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