Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Passion Series

Love burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame. Song 8:6

Red. Valentine hearts, Christmas pointsettias, stop signs, fire engines, being so mad you see "red", the Red Cross. Red is a color that indicates passion, urgency, fervency, love. I've been told that police ticket red cars more than any other catches the eye. It's a power color - politicians often wear red ties when they give important speeches or are being photographed to indicate strength.

From the Song of Solomon, love is referred to as a blazing fire...a mighty flame. It's a picture of the intensity of God's love for us. Have you ever watched video feeds of a raging forest fire, consuming everything in it's path...the power of the fire storm actually creates it's own atmosphere...powerful, intense, hot. God loves us like that. And in His intense, powerful love He went to great lengths to secure us for Himself, even to the extent of sacrificing the life of His Son to pay the bill for our disobedience. And in His love and kindness to us, He has given us the ability to experience that same kind of passion in our loves...for our children, for the beauty of creation, for fill in the blank with the passions of your heart. Think of how your passions breathe life into you, making life precious. That is who and what you are to God, and what He wants to and will be for you...Your choice.

"The Passion Series" is created from gemstones and beads of the vast shades and hues of red, from fiery to deep winetones, to remind every woman of the vast shades and hues of God's passionate and powerful love for you and to you. You are loved with an everlasting love!

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