Friday, December 28, 2007

The Royalty Series

A woman who honors the Lord, she shall be praised. Prov. 31:30

Now what in the world does that verse have to do with royalty? Well, first of all, did you know that you are God's girl? That in Christ, child of God, you are a Princess. How d'ya think your family and friends would react if you informed them that from now on they could address you as "Princess so and so"? Don't know about you, but I chuckle at the reactions I might get from my crew!!

Your "princess" status doesn't come because you're funny or cute or smart. No, it comes because God chose you, loves you and has yearned from the time of your conception for you to love Him back. In Christ you are adopted into THE fam...princess. And those in "THE fam" honor the Lord with our lives. That means that you shall be praised. It doesn't say how or from whom...just that you will be praised. Have you been watching how God honors you back as you honor Him? The King of Kings desires that His kids are recognized as such! Are you living out your life expecting servant staus, or that of an heir?

Purple is the color of royalty and kingship. In ancient times, it was the most expensive color to dye so only the very wealthy could afford it. In ancient Rome, a robe of the finest purple cost an equivalent of over $500 in today's currency. In fact, during the Roman Empire, only the Emperor and his family could wear purple, any one else wearing it would be thrown into prison.

So when you put on a piece from "The Royalty Series", consisting of those rich purple hues, remember who you are...Child of the King of Kings...Princess...Royalty...Honored, and not because of what you did to get there, but because the King loves you!

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