God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God Matt. 5:8
Pure in heart. Good grief, what does that mean anyhow? One of my favorite things to do when I read the Bible is to look up the word meanings in the original languages. No, I don't speak Greek or Hebrew, but there are such good tools out there to help me get the general idea, and I use those frequently. In fact I'm often surprised that what I thought a word meant isn't even close to the original meanings. The teacher in me loves getting things straight!!
Yesterday I wrote about the prosperity of the soul...today, according to the Greek, the "heart" refers to the soul or mind, the understanding, will and character...the heart is the center and seat of spiritual life. That sounds deep!! Well, then when I look up "pure" I found it basically means free from what is false, or from guilt, or from desiring corrupt things...sincere and genuine, innocent, unstained. So, finally a definition...Someone "pure in heart" would be someone who is unstained, innocent, sincere and genuine in their mind, understanding, will and character. Yikes!!! Anyone qualify? And those folks are the ones who will see God. Yikes again, the line up is getting quite short. Isn't it wonderful that in Jesus we are covered...and God sees Him in us, therefore, He sees us as pure in heart...and then we get to see God.
When my youngest son was little, I was attending a Bible study that was very comprehensive and wonderful. They had a terrific childrens program - not a babysitting program - but they taught the children in very simple ways that they could understand. My son started that program when he was 2. Whenever I was sick, I would ask him to pray for me...and I always got well. When he was about 6, one Sunday in church, he saw Jesus standing at the front of the church. I was a little miffed that he could see, and I couldn't...me, the one who was full of lots of Bible knowledge...but he saw. Pure in heart! Sigh!!
My "Purity Series" pieces are made of sparkling crystal components that you can see clear through. Pure...clear. When I wear my "signature" bracelet, which is part of the Purity Series, it reminds me of how God sees me - pure in heart - because Jesus is in me, and He sees Jesus. That means that I get to see God. My hope is that each woman who wears a Purity Series piece will see those pure, clear stones and remember how we get that purity of heart, clear...innocent. It's Jesus in us...transforming...cleansing...renewing.
Pure in heart. Good grief, what does that mean anyhow? One of my favorite things to do when I read the Bible is to look up the word meanings in the original languages. No, I don't speak Greek or Hebrew, but there are such good tools out there to help me get the general idea, and I use those frequently. In fact I'm often surprised that what I thought a word meant isn't even close to the original meanings. The teacher in me loves getting things straight!!
Yesterday I wrote about the prosperity of the soul...today, according to the Greek, the "heart" refers to the soul or mind, the understanding, will and character...the heart is the center and seat of spiritual life. That sounds deep!! Well, then when I look up "pure" I found it basically means free from what is false, or from guilt, or from desiring corrupt things...sincere and genuine, innocent, unstained. So, finally a definition...Someone "pure in heart" would be someone who is unstained, innocent, sincere and genuine in their mind, understanding, will and character. Yikes!!! Anyone qualify? And those folks are the ones who will see God. Yikes again, the line up is getting quite short. Isn't it wonderful that in Jesus we are covered...and God sees Him in us, therefore, He sees us as pure in heart...and then we get to see God.
When my youngest son was little, I was attending a Bible study that was very comprehensive and wonderful. They had a terrific childrens program - not a babysitting program - but they taught the children in very simple ways that they could understand. My son started that program when he was 2. Whenever I was sick, I would ask him to pray for me...and I always got well. When he was about 6, one Sunday in church, he saw Jesus standing at the front of the church. I was a little miffed that he could see, and I couldn't...me, the one who was full of lots of Bible knowledge...but he saw. Pure in heart! Sigh!!
My "Purity Series" pieces are made of sparkling crystal components that you can see clear through. Pure...clear. When I wear my "signature" bracelet, which is part of the Purity Series, it reminds me of how God sees me - pure in heart - because Jesus is in me, and He sees Jesus. That means that I get to see God. My hope is that each woman who wears a Purity Series piece will see those pure, clear stones and remember how we get that purity of heart, clear...innocent. It's Jesus in us...transforming...cleansing...renewing.
Thanks for the way you describe things. Reading your posts is like my daily devotional. Love ya
I have a son who has embraced his faith in Jesus since he prayed to ask him into his heart at four years old. I have always been amazed at his unwavering faith. I think that one of my New Years resolutions will be to rediscover a "child-like" or pure faith in Jesus just like you have described. It is to easy to allow the world to pollute my faith, I need to work on allowing God to make make me pure agian. Once again, thanks for sharing!!
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